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Children are the future of our nation. They represent the upcoming generation of leaders, innovators and problem solvers and investing in the wellbeing and development of them is crucial to the success and prosperity of the nation. A healthy young population contributes to the growth and development of the economy as well as promotes social stability and cohesion of the country. It is always important for government, communities, society and each individuals to prioritize the needs of children and work towards creating an enabling environment in which the children can thrive and achieve their full potential. An important aspect in this is protecting the rights of every child and providing them with avenues and opportunities for growth and development and fostering a culture which values their contributions and voices.


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1989 outlines the rights of all children. The convention was ratified by India in 1992. The UNCRC recognizes that children have their own set of rights which must be protected and respected. The major sets of rights are: • Protection from discrimination and abuse • Access to healthcare, education and social services • Express their opinions and have their voices heard • Participation in cultural and social activities • Protection from economic exploitation and work which may be harmful to their health and development.

Children face multiple challenges and issues in their life. These affect their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. The plight of children is going from bad to worse over the years. Incidences of child abuse, harassment, drug and mobile addiction, suicides etc see an upward trend. Saurakshika was conceptualized as the child protection forum of Balagokulam Kerala to address these issues. Since its registration in the year 2001, Saurakshika strives to protect and promote the rights of every child of our state and to create an atmosphere where every child is free to grow, live, thrive in a safe and enabling environment and to achieve their full potential. Saurakshika ensures that the rights of each child are respected and protected. Guided by a State committee and district committees with a team of professionals with values deeply embedded in nationalism and Indian culture, Saurakshika works to safeguard the wellbeing of children and protect them from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation. The district teams ensure that all children have access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, healthcare and education as well as protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

Major interventions
➢ Advocacy: Saurakshika has been involved in various advocacy measures with the Government departments of Kerala for influencing public policies related to children. Advocacy initiatives are crucial for ensuring that children are protected, nurtured and allowed to grow into healthy and productive adults. Issues which are alerted by the district committees are taken up by the State unit with the respective government departments for follow up and ensuring necessary action.

➢ Sensitisation:
Awareness activities are a key functional area of Saurakshika. During the years, various awareness programs are being conducted via offline and online through schools, residents associations, clubs, youth forums, self-help groups and local community. The sessions focus on child rights, laws, protection mechanisms, parenting, counselling, schemes etc. Specific campaigns related to drugs, mobile and internet abuse etc are also

➢ Partnerships:
Partnerships involve working together with multiple stakeholders and organisations working to promote and protect child rights. Saurakshika has initiated linkages and cooperation with different government departments, civil and community based organisation, faith based organisations and the private sector to amplify child rights and responsibilities.

➢ Emergency response:
Depending upon the need and requirements of each emergency, Saurakshika has been able to deliver prompt support to the field level partners. Be it natural disasters or pandemic, Saurakshika strives to ensure that children are protected and the rights are fulfilled. Conclusion

Team Saurakshika believes that all children have the right to a safe and happy childhood where their rights are given utmost importance. Our children face multiple challenges which hampers their growth and development. Our team is committed to make a positive difference in the lives of each children and to achieve their full potential. Our interventions are indeed a pathway to achieve the vision and mission of Saurakshika. We invite all to join hands with us to create a just and equitable world fit for children.